Sustainability in agriculture
Agroforestry Solutions
Agroforestry Services
To complement our flagship division undertaking the cultivation of agricultural crops under the Agro-Industry Market Link Services, we also encourage agroforestry as an additional source of income and sustainable farming for our grower partners.
The short-rotation commercial Pulp Wood Tree Species promoted by Urvara Krsi are based on land suitability classification. These plantations are mostly planted by farmers in low productive, rain-fed lands and do not compete with their food crops.
We operate & manage three plant production nurseries to produce superior planting material for distribution to farmers to help increase the yields and income from their land. The nurseries have a production capacity of twenty million plants per annum.
We engage with farmers throughout the plantation cycle, encouraging and guiding them to plant trees in a range of models suitable to their land use pattern, such as block planting, bund planting and agroforestry.

Agroforestry Services
To complement our flagship division undertaking the cultivation of agricultural crops under the Agro-Industry Market Link Services, we also encourage agroforestry as an additional source of income and sustainable farming for our grower partners.

The short-rotation commercial Pulp Wood Tree Species promoted by Urvara Krsi are based on land suitability classification. These plantations are mostly planted by farmers in low productive, rain-fed lands and do not compete with their food crops.
We operate & manage three plant production nurseries to produce superior planting material for distribution to farmers to help increase the yields and income from their land. The nurseries have a production capacity of twenty million plants per annum.
We engage with farmers throughout the plantation cycle, encouraging and guiding them to plant trees in a range of models suitable to their land use pattern, such as block planting, bund planting and agroforestry.
We cater to three agro-processing industries


Ayurveda and Medicinal Plants

Personal Care Products
Our Approach
Urvara Krsi's five-phase approach enables our farmer partners to cultivate even their low productive, rain fed lands with short rotation crops that do not compete with food crops
Phase 1
Farmer Outreach
Our field team visits the farmer’s land to ascertain whether soil quality & depth is suitable for raising plantations. Soil & water tests (in cases of irrigated land) are then organised and farmers are advised to take up plantations if the land is found to be suitable. We augment the program by providing comprehensive technical training on best plantation practices and building market awareness about wood prices.

Phase 2
Backward Integration with Production
We undertake the production of fast growing, site-specific planting stock of pulpwood & timber-tree species based on analysis of market demand & land suitability. This is followed by deployment of skilled & experienced manpower to execute clone production activities in high-tech nurseries.
Phase 3
Distribution & Planting
We distribute planting stock to farmers along with efficient technical support services. To oversee the crop cycle, Urvara Krsi experts execute technical field training for plantations and their management.

Phase 4
Post Plantation Technical Assistance
Our Extension teams conduct workshops on farmers’ awareness and impart technical training for raising high-yielding plantations. Assistance is also provided during harvest, post-harvest care, and dispatch to the buyer. Throughout the cycle, we use a scientific approach to assess impact and adapt programs through scientific M&E tools.
Phase 5
Forward Market Linkage
Finally, we facilitate market linkage for the wood produced in these plantations with wood-based industries at predetermined competitive market prices. This operating model ensures that produce is sourced right from the farm gate to avoid any intermediary involvement and ensure that both farmer & buyer receive the best possible commercials.

Phase 1
Farmer Outreach
Our field team visits the farmer’s land to ascertain whether soil quality & depth is suitable for raising plantations. Soil & water tests (in cases of irrigated land) are then organised and farmers are advised to take up plantations if the land is found to be suitable. We augment the program by providing comprehensive technical training on best plantation practices and building market awareness about wood prices.

Phase 2
Backward Integration with Production
We undertake the production of fast growing, site-specific planting stock of pulpwood & timber-tree species based on analysis of market demand & land suitability. This is followed by deployment of skilled & experienced manpower to execute clone production activities in high-tech nurseries.

Phase 3
Distribution & Planting
We distribute planting stock to farmers along with efficient technical support services. To oversee the crop cycle, Urvara Krsi experts execute technical field training for plantations and their management.

Phase 4
Post Plantation Technical Assistance
Our Extension teams conduct workshops on farmers’ awareness and impart technical training for raising high-yielding plantations. Assistance is also provided during harvest, post-harvest care, and dispatch to the buyer. Throughout the cycle, we use a scientific approach to assess impact and adapt programs through scientific M&E tools.

Phase 5
Forward Market Linkage
Finally, we facilitate market linkage for the wood produced in these plantations with wood-based industries at predetermined competitive market prices. This operating model ensures that produce is sourced right from the farm gate to avoid any intermediary involvement and ensure that both farmer & buyer receive the best possible commercials.
What We Do

Plant genetically superior planting stock, clones and seedlings using globally recognised production processes, resulting in higher growth & yield

Introduce sustainable agroforestry models for multiple cropping with associated farmers to augment their income

Encourage small and marginal tribal farmers with fallow, low-productive and rain-fed lands to take-up the plantations

Provide technical guidance to farmers throughout the crop cycle and periodically assess results to optimise the approach

Plant genetically superior planting stock, clones and seedlings using globally recognised production processes, resulting in higher growth & yield

Introduce sustainable agroforestry models for multiple cropping with associated farmers to augment their income

Encourage small and marginal tribal farmers with fallow, low-productive and rain-fed lands to take-up the plantations

Provide technical guidance to farmers throughout the crop cycle and periodically assess results to optimise the approach

Lead projects on a turnkey basis for commercial plantations in partnership with leading industries and buyers

Facilitate forward market linkage for the wood produced in these plantations, securing the best price for the buyer as well as the grower

Enable local communities to move onto a path of self sustainability by engaging and training them in additional sources of income

Enable paper manufacturers to source raw material from local catchment areas to reduce overheads & expenses and optimise logistics

Lead projects on a turnkey basis for commercial plantations in partnership with leading industries and buyers

Facilitate forward market linkage for the wood produced in these plantations, securing the best price for the buyer as well as the grower

Enable local communities to move onto a path of self sustainability by engaging and training them in additional sources of income

Enable paper manufacturers to source raw material from local catchment areas to reduce overheads & expenses and optimise logistics

Lead projects on a turnkey basis for commercial plantations in partnership with leading industries and buyers

Facilitate forward market linkage for the wood produced in these plantations, securing the best price for the buyer as well as the grower

Enable local communities to move onto a path of self sustainability by engaging and training them in additional sources of income

Enable paper manufacturers to source raw material from local catchment areas to reduce overheads & expenses and optimise logistics
Agroforestry Crops We Grow

Eucalyptus clones
Eucalyptus is an excellent industrial species that provides timber for poles, pulp and fuel wood. It can be used to afforest fallow and low productive lands, especially in areas with no assured irrigation. After years of research and trials, Eucalyptus clones have been selected for commercial plantations, while seedlings are no longer recommended for Agroforestry. Urvara Krsi offers the best gall-resistant clones that can grow in soils with pH up to 9.5.

Casuarina clones
Casuarina is the most popular agroforestry tree in coastal lands. It is salt tolerant, wind resistant and adaptable to moderately poor soils. In South India, it is considered the best species for colonising and dunes. Casuarina clones yield 2-3 times more wood than seedlings per unit area.

Acacia seedlings
Acacia, also known as "whistling thorn" or "wattle", is a species for the humid, tropical lowland zones. It is a fast growing tropical hardwood. In India, primarily two species of Acacia - A. mangium and A. auriculiformis – and their hybrid are grown as commercial plantations in areas where rainfall is good (>1000 mm per year).

Leucaena (Subabul) seedlings
Leucaena is a small, fast-growing tree native to southern Mexico and Northern Central America, but is now naturalised throughout the tropics. Known as Subabul in India, it is used for a variety of purposes, such as firewood, fibre and livestock fodder. Subabul regularly sheds leaves, providing mulch and green manure and enriching the topsoil. It is highly suitable for green-manuring and composting. Importantly, it also fixes nitrogen in the soil.
View our other Services
Agro Consulting
Customized end-to-end project management for cultivation of agricultural crops, development of new geographies and specific crop trials including organic farming
Research & Development
Innovation, introduction, and improvement of products & processes to enable growth and new opportunities for your organisation
Agro-Industry Market Link
Market linkage for the end product at predetermined competitive market prices, secured right from the farm gate with zero intermediary involvement
Urvara Krsi promotes sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices by connecting agro-based industries and communities.